So where did you all go?

There has been a lot of great things happening on my new website,

If you have already signed up to follow my new blog, then THANK YOU!

You know this already!

But since about 1500 followers never made it over to, I am taking a wild guess that you haven’t found my new site yet. If you didn’t receive emails that the above articles posted, then you may not have subscribed to the blog. Just click here to go to the blog page, look for the box to SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG by EMAIL section to the right of the posts, and sign up! Or, if you are already on WordPress then you can just click the blue FOLLOW ME button (in the same location). E viola!

(Disclaimer: If you are seeing this twice, it’s because you are subscribed to both blogs. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your following and my apologies for the duplication)


Thank you for staying with me! 

P.S. Please read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use when you arrive! You may even find a pop up banner tucked into the footer somewhere to accept when you get there!

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